Important facts you need to know

Appeal Filing Deadline

There is a critical period of time to begin the appeal process. Property owners have 30 days from the date their assessments are published to file an appeal.  See below for your appeal dates and deadlines:

In Lake County, for example, depending on your township, you will receive an Assessment Notice this summer. Once you receive your notice, Lake County allows only 30 days to file a property tax appeal. When the 30 days lapse, the county will not accept an appeal, so please respond before the expiration date. Different areas have different deadlines, so please contact me as quickly as possible so that I can initiate your appeal in a timely manner.

The Process

Complete and sign this agreement as well as the appropriate county authorization form and I will conduct a no-cost property analysis to determine if an appeal is warranted. If your property appears to be over assessed, I will inform you and begin my due diligence.

The agreement and county authorization forms are a PDF which you can download, complete, and send to Lisa H. Fishbein via e-mail, fax, or mail.

Once I receive your forms you are done! I monitor all deadlines and follow your file through the entire appeal process. I will handle every aspect of your appeal case from start to finish.

I will keep you apprised of your case as it moves through the appeal process. It can be a lengthy process, but worth the effort.

When I receive a final decision regarding your property tax appeal, I will notify you of the results.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 847.480.6483.

Or email your inquiry to